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Hello, I’m Cenk Ataman.

The human life is like a wood leaf, a leaf falls off at every moment. We don’t know, what are waiting for us in our lives. Sometimes, this moment comes and we fall in love. Who knows? When a person migrates from Earth… We all want to feel that we are special. How many times are these moments become real in the life?

We are together with you for all organizations over Turkey, with no borders. Birth, wedding, death, maybe other special days… We support you, we are planning together and targeting to be “we” with you. We are always standing nearby you for these unforgettable moments. Let’s plan together and produce leaves like a tree with a wide body and strong root, and of which branches reach up to sky. What do you think about that?

We take all precautions for all the organization becomes complete.

These special moments which may be experienced once in a life, may be watched for long years, the pictures will maybe looked at and those moments will always stand special.

Keep in mind! Your company, your fair organisations or wedding ceremonies… will not have any compensationchance and repetition.

We are carrying out our business with all professionalism and sincerity. Furthermore we make our partnerss feel the same thing. Please make your lifes valuable with your touches tender like the rain and fertile like the earth. And experience our consultancy support for your special days.

Our experienced and honest expert staff who are academically educated about their works, will evaluate all your requests and offer you the most various and economic solutions.

Our principle is “imagine and do it for you” and choose “us” because we are working hard for doing the best in all your organisations, cocktail invitations, opening days, graduation balls, commercial fair organisations, after funeral testaments and marriage proposals…

As Ataman Group, we have been continuing to be your solution partner since 1940 till today.

In 1924, by direction of Turkish Republic’s founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a new industrial city on Middle Anatolia region was being planned because of the strategical and geopolitical situation of the place. The grand grand father of Mr. Cenk Ataman, (named Huseyin Kahya, who is the son of law of Crimea Khan’s daughter by claim and he is founder of Kırıkkale City in Turkey) suggested Kırıkkale City as one of the pilot cities of this project and he donated his own lands to government and said “My money and my lands are sacrified to my country.” The government suggested him a kind of partnership but he declined them and said “There is no partnership with government.”

He had great efforts to build today’s Makine Kimya Enstitüsü – Machine and Chemistry Institute factories with his citizens. And Turkish Republic is thankful to him.

In 1940, Kırıkkale was developed by this huge factories but in this town there was not any places for workers to have lunches or dinners. This situation engaged the attention of Cenk Ataman’s other grand father Mr. Mustafa Ataman and he decided to invest in this industry. He opened the first restaurant of town, named “Sizin Lokanta” and gave service for long years with this name. Last time, in 1945, he opened Kırıkkale Palas Otel which has 120 beds capacity and this success reached to our time with no interruption.

In 1975, Mr. Ali Ataman (man of letters and business man) continued this “Anatolia success” and he found Şenay Et Lokantası in Istanbul-Fatih, Körfez Balık Restaurant in Istanbul-Sarıyer and Ataman Merkez Mutfak in Istanbul-Karaköy and served in food industry for long years. Mr. Ali Ataman has given service to Hunca Chemistry Inc., Çukurova Holding, Polar Holding and too many big companies for long years.

In 1996, the family’s all knowledge and experience passed to third generation family member, business man Mr. O.Cenk Ataman and he won the “The Young Business Man of Year -2009” award and exalted his family.

Cenk Ataman gave great importance to social responsibility projects like other family members and he worked up this projects as his company’s mission. And he won the “The Social Responsibility Project of Year – 2013” via “81 short-term carrying houses for old and disabled people in all 81 cities of Turkey” project.

Mr. Cenk Ataman is the chairman of Crimean Tatars Platform of Social Projects which he founded and chairman of Gebze Chamber of Commerce Professional Committee and he is still one of the members of founding committee of Kabataş Men’s Highschool Educational Foundation.

Mr. Cenk Ataman is also a member of Gebze Technical University’s Intellectual and Industrial Rights Committee and a member of City Council.

He managed S Catering Organization, Oda Restaurant Italian, Saray Restaurant, Gülzade Organic till the year2013.

In 2014, the company developed with meeting organisation, foreign trade, consultancy, coaching, trademark and patents industries and found Madame Rose, S Catering Gastronomy, Senay Real Estate, Senay Employment Agency, Senay Tourism and it has been giving service from past till today. Ataman Group, which is targeting to carry the flag to fourth generations,will never swerve from their past.

Mr. Cenk Ataman completed his education in England, Jamie Oliver Brighton and Cordon Blue London, he is proud of helping you for your special day organizations all over Turkey.

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Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
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Ataman Events & Organisations
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Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations
Ataman Events & Organisations

Birth, Wedding, Death... Maybe Another Day...


Gebze Head Quarters :

+90 262 644 84 06

Istanbul Branch : 

+90 212 271 42 98

GSM : 

+ 90 542 424 94 54


Ciragan Caddesi Ciragan Apatmanı No:93

Ortaköy / İstanbul / Türkiye

Cenk Ataman Events & Organisations



Ataman Events & Organisation

Ataman Events & Organisation

Ataman Events & Organisation
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Kabataş Eğitim Vakfı❤️🏃 Cenk Ataman

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